One of the greatest joys in life is being a mother but yet it’s also probably one of the hardest job(s) you have ever had. That’s right, jobs-plural. Not only are you a full-time mother, but you also have a million of other things that you are juggling, like working full time and/or going to school, chores (oh, the never ending loads of laundry), schedules (yours and theirs), making decisions, and nurturing relationships with your husband/partner, family, and friends. Some days are easy but others, it feels like you are failing in all these areas.
Individual therapy can help you deal with the mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion you may be experiencing. At Strides in Therapy, we will work together, laugh, curse, and help you find your coping tools so that you become a better version of you.
Strides in Therapy offers a unique service by giving you the option to have your individual therapy sessions outdoors in Irvine, while walking. Outside of that and wearing a pair of tennis shoes, nothing else is different when compared to meeting in an office.
Research studies have shown that physical activity can enhance our mental and physical health. People tend to engage in various physical activities for lifestyle and/or health reasons, so why not work to improve your mental well being at the same time?